Friday 25 October 2013


Been a while since I last posted.
This is because I had an important presentation I had to prepare for and present, as well as sort out an insurance claim when I tapped a wall with my car; I even I had to go on trips for my courses.

So let us start with the once thing in that above sentence which has caught your attention; my car accident.
I was at the local petrol station which had recently been remodeled and they built a 2 ft wall where the air pump used to be, so when I though I was backing to the pump, I actually backed into the wall. As luck would have had it, I tapped a weak point in the wall which caused it to crack and partially fall off. My car had no damage except for a single scratch, which is amazing considering what a small car it is and the amount of damage it caused. So now I'm sorting out the payments for repairing the wall. Scary part was that they police were then involved in and I had to try and make it a personal case and not a criminal case.  Thankfully I got it sorted and now only waiting on the quote.

Now time to explain the title of this post: Malfunction!

We still have a leaking shower....and our new washing machine arrived! Only for it to not work...The electric kept tripping whenever it was turned on, and when we went for a closer inspection...we realised we were given a second hand washer...Annoying, I know.

Ninny celebrated her birthday on Wednesday, so she has gone home for the weekend, and Lou disappeared on Tuesday. That means I've got the chance to go to a Cos-play convention with Schmellion and Blue. Something I'm looking forward to.

That's it for now.


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