Friday 4 October 2013

My Three Tantrums

Got kicked off the internet this evening because I fell asleep whilst doing my assignment in the lounge, so Smellion logged onto X-Box Live. So it's only about now that I have full access to the World Wide Web.

So I've got three rants to give out this evening. Got mighty annoyed this evening, hence the nap when I was doing my assignment, the bottled stress was redirected to me sleeping on the sofa.

  1. Thy landlord is thy enemy.
    • Just as my tutorial with my course manager and head of department started, I got a text from my landlord. Basically, he sent me a reminder of our rent which was due, however, we had requested on the 21st September for the payment schedule as we had just got our student finance. So along with this reminder, came a massive fine for not paying the rent on time. Furious, I sent a text back informing Aka that he had not sent any invoices or payment schedules and that the fee was incorrect as he was charging the wrong rent. During all this I was in the middle of my group tutorial and everyone said that it was the first time they had ever seen me lose my temper. Bit comical, but still infuriating as I had to sort out Aka and then soothe Ninny who also got the same text. So after several hours of texts, we finally got the payment schedule (ironically sent to my email only), and arranged a meeting the following Wednesday to sort out the fine, as we are refusing to pay it. Because Smellion was catching a lift back with me, he avoided our house for most of the evening, as he did not want to get caught in the cross fire, so I had to placate Ninny for most of the evening.
  2. Lou can't do her laundry.
    • Seriously! I came home and saw Lou had done some of her laundry as they were on the clothes horse, however as I was sat in the lounge, I could smell this really pungent stench. Turns out her laundry is foisty and not even put on clothes horse properly to dry. So the lounge now stinks, and my nose burns. Lou escaped upstairs before I could even make comment. Ninny refused to touch the clothes horse, so it was up to me to move it into the kitchen. Honestly woman, learn how to do your laundry!
  3. Recruitment pisses me off.
    • Okay, everyone generally knows what recruitment is right? Employers looking for prospective employees. So why is there a massive book detailing the whole process and putting in all these dumb theories to why people are employed and not employed, and how the interview can be swayed by other influences etc. I spent about 1 hour reading these 5 chapters of this book, and then picked up another book which simplified the whole process in 2 pages. Who thought of writing up a book about HRM? Drives me insane, considering I have to complete my assignment about the recruitment process and all the finicky details by 21st October...ARGH!
So those are my three little rants out of the way. I wonder how Smellion and Ninny survive when I throw my mini tantrums?


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